

  1. Technology Development and Protection Strategy in Oil Industry: Checks and Balances Mechanism within Collaborative Ventures, 2010, published by VDM Verlag Dr. Müller;
  2. Cyberspace, Cybercrimes, Cyberlaw : Tinjauan Aspek Hukum Pidana (Criminal Aspect), 2012, published by PT Tata Nusa;


  1. Perlindungan Privasi dan Data Pribadi : Suatu Telaahan Awal (Protection of Privacy and Personal Data : Initial Research), Buletin Hukum Perbankan dan Kebanksentrallan, Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan-April 2013;
  2. eNotaris Indonesia: Komparasi Awal Peranan Notaris dalam Penyelenggaraan Transaksi Elektronik,(eNotary of Indonesia : The Role of Notary in electronic Transaction) Buletin Hukum Perbankan dan Kebanksentralan, Vol. 9, Nomor 2, Mei – Agustus 2011;
  3. Checks and Balances Mechanism for Techonology Development and Protection, International Journals on Business Competition and Growth, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011, published by Inderscience;
  4. Pengaturan Alat Bukti Elektronik: Mencari Bentuk dan Jati Diri(Digital Evidence Regulation : Pursuing the Form in Indonesian Legal System), Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Vol. 3 Tahun 2010, diterbitkan Yayasan Jurnal Hukum Bisnis.
  5. Electronic Transaction and Contract Regulation pursuant to Law 11 of 2008, published by Logistics Magazine, July 2008.
  6. 101 Question and Answer on Law 11/2008 on Electronic Information and Transaction, publishedby Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
  7. Improving the Role of Experts Under Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law: Lessons Learned From the Dutch Legal System, Indonesia Law Review,
  8. Developing A Legal Framework of Personal Data Protection in the Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law, Indonesia Law Review, DOI:

Technology Cyberspace Cyberlaw